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Takfir of Muslim Masses
Takfir of Muslim Masses
From the misconceptions about Shaykh Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab is that he and those with him made takfir of the Muslim masses without exception. This is stongly rejected by Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab himself who explained in many of his writings (some of which were sent to those making these claims) that most of the masses are ignorant and do not truly know the reality of the deen of the Messengers and for that reason they do not make takfir the common people, or of any person until and unless it is warranted by the Shariah, which is when the proof is established after it has become clear to a person that he is opposing what Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) brought and shows aggression towards or fights those who invite to the Tawhid of the Messengers. In this section we will look at the issue of takfir and the methodology of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab in this regard from his own writings.