Saturday, 02 November 2024 |
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Takfir of Muslim Masses
Shaykh Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab said (in the section, Fataawaa wa Masaa'il, 4/11):
وأما الكذب والبهتان، فمثل قولهم: إنا نكفر بالعموم، ونوجب الهجرة إلينا على من قدر على إظهار دينه، وأنا نكفّر من لم يكفّر ومن لم يقاتل، ومثل هذا وأضعاف أضعافه. فكل هذا من الكذب والبهتان الذي يصدون به الناس عن دين الله ورسوله. وإذا كنا لا نكفّر مَن عبد الصنم الذي على قبر عبد القادر، والصنم الذي على قبر أحمد البدوي، وأمثالهما، لأجل جهلهم وعدم من ينبههم، فكيف نكفر من لم يشرك بالله إذا لم يهاجر إلينا، ولم يكفّر ويقاتل؟ سُبْحَانَكَ هَذَا بُهْتَانٌ عَظِيمٌ
And as for the lie and slander, then it is like their saying that we make generalized takfir (of the masses), and that we make emigration (hijrah) obligatory towards us for the one who is able to manifest his religion, and that we make takfir of the one who does not make takfir and who does not fight, and multiple times the likes of this (type of lying and slander). All of this is from lying and slander by which they hinder the people from the deen of Allaah and His Messenger. And when it is the case that we do not make takfir of the one who worships the idol (i.e. tomb) which is on the grave of Abd al-Qadir, and the idol which is on the grave of Ahmad al-Badawi and their likes, due to their ignorance, and the absence of the one to notify them (of their opposition), then how could we make takfir of the one who does not associate partners with Allaah, when he does not emigrate to us and who does not make takfir and does not fight? "Glory be to you (O Lord), this is a mighty slander." (24:16) And in al-Durar al-Saniyyah (10/131), there occurs the statement of Shaykh Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab in one of his letters;
ما ذكر لكم عني أني أكفر بالعموم، فهذا من بهتان الأعداء، وكذلك قولهم: إني أقول: من تبع دين الله ورسوله وهو ساكن في بلده أنه ما يكفيه حتى يجيء عندي، فهذا أيضاً من البهتان، إنما المراد اتباع دين الله ورسوله في أي أرض كانت
What has been mentioned to you that I make generalized takfir (of the masses), this is from the slanders of the enemies. Likewise, their saying that I say whoever follows the deen of Allaah and His Messenger whilst resident in his own land, this is not sufficient until he comes (emigrates) to me. This is also from slandder. Rather, the intent is for [a person] to follow the deen of Allaah and His Messenger in whichever land it may be. Notes
These and other statements of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab in his many letters, whilst refuting the slanders of his adversaries, also indicate another very important matter that is worthy of mention: That he is free and innocent of the Kharijites who appeared in the 20th century after reading the books of Sayyid Qutb, groups such as al-Takfir wal-Hijrah. These groups made mass takfir of the Muslims, following Sayyid Qutb's mass takfir of the entire Muslim ummah without exception (see here, here, here,here, and here), and they also made takfir of those who did not agree with their takfir and likewise, they required emigration to themselves.
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