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Lies of Ahmad Dahlan
Lies of Ahmad Dahlan
Ahmad bin Zaynee Dahlan (d. 1304H) was a Shafi'ite jurist who held the position of teaching and giving fatwa in Makkah, and he was one of the pioneers of the false propaganda against the reform movement of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab. He authored a number of works which he filled with lies, and there were scholars of his time who stood to refute and expose his propaganda. From them:
Shaykh Muhammad Basheer al-Sahsawaanee al-Hindi (d. 1326H), who wrote (صيانة الإنسان عن وسوسة الشيخ دحلان) "Protecting Man from the Whispering of Shaykh Dahlan." Shaykh Abd al-Karim bin Fakhr al-Din al-Hindi in his book, (الحق المبين في الرد على اللهابية المبتدعين), "The Clear Truth in Refutation of the Innovating Firewood Carriers." Shaykh Salih bin Muhammad al-Shitree (d. 1309H) who wrote (تأييد الملك المنان في نقض ضلالات دحلان), "The Aid of the Generous King in Refuting the Misguided Heresies of Dahlaan." Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Eesaa al-Hanbali (d. 1329H) who wrote a book that is still currently only in manuscript form, and it is called, (تلخيص الكلام في الرد على أحمد زيني دحلان), "Summarization of the Speech in Refutation of Ahmad Zayni Dahlan." Sulayman bin Sahmaan (d. 1349H) who refuted Dahlan in poetry composition consisting of over 500 lines by Shaykh. Shaykh Zayd bin Muhammad Aal Sulaymaan (d. 1307H) wrote the excellent work, (فتح المنان في نقض شبه الضال الدحلان), "The Granting of Victory by al-Mannaan (Kind, Generous) in Invalidating the Doubts of the Misguided Dahlaan."
The books of Dahlaan have never ceased to be spread (and supported) by certain (nation) states, institutions and individuals. This has created a barrier to a proper, unbiased study of Shaykh Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab's actual teachings, positions and da'wah to many a learned person, let alone the common-folk. In this section, the doubts of Dahlan will be investigated and analyzed through the resources mentioned so as to remove the bias and propaganda and allow a more objective perception and understanding of his reform movement to be attained.