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Shaykh Abd Allaah Al-Haseen (From the Students of Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab) on the Rights of the Anbiyaa (Prophets) and Awliyaa
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in Belief

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The 'Wahhabis' on The Rights of the Anbiyaa and Awliyaa

Here is an excerpt one of the writings of Shaykh Abd al-Aziz al-Haseen pertaining to the rights of the Prophets and the rights of the Awliyaa. It is in al-Durar al-Saniyyah (2/175-176):

And the right due to the Prophets is to have faith in them and in what they brought, to follow the light which was revealed to them, to support them, respect them, show loyalty to them and to place love of them over one's soul, wealth, offspring and the whole of mankind. And the sign of truthfulness in that is following their guidance, having faith in whatever they brought from their Lord, having faith in their miracles (mu'jazaat), and [belief] that they conveyed the messages of their Lord, fulfilled the trust (placed upon them), and sincerely advised the Ummah, and that Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is their seal (the last of them), and the most superior of them. [Also] to affirm their intercession (shafaa'ah) which Allaah, the Sublime, affirmed in His Book, which is the one that takes place after the permission of their Lord has been granted for it for those with whom He is pleased from the people of Tawhid, and that the Lofty Station (al-Maqam al-Mahmud) which Allah has mentioned in His Book is for our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).

And likewise, the right due to His Awliyaa is to love them, to be pleased with them (and ask for Allaah to be pleased with them), to have faith in their miracles (karaamaat). [but] Not to worship them in order that they may bring about good for those who invoke them for goodness which none has the power to bring about except Allaah, the Blessed and Exalted, or that they repel evil from them which none but Allaah is able to repel or remove. This is because (this act of invocation) is worship that is unique to His, the Sublime's Majesty. Allaah, the Exalted said, "And Your Lord has said, 'Invoke me, I shall respond to you. Indeed those who scorn my worship will surely enter Hell in humiliation.' (40:60). So He called it (invocation, du'a) ibaadah (worship) and annexed it to Himself (i.e. عبادتي). And al-Nu'man bin Bashir reported that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, "Indeed supplication is worship", then the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) recited, "And Your Lord has said, 'Invoke me, I shall respond to you. Indeed those who scorn my worship'..." to the end of the verse. Reported by Abu Dawud and al-Tirmidhi who said it is a hasan sahih hadeeth.


One of the many rumours circulated by the adversaries during the reform movement of Shaykh Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab is that he and his followers deny the intercession of the Prophet(s), revile the Awliyaa and reject their miracles. This was a form of intellectual terrorism thrust on the masses by their elites because they (the elites) feared the loss of beneficial interests and wished to maintain the status quo. The writings of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, his students and offspring are replete with their honouring the Prophets and Awliyaa and affirmation of their intercession and their miracles. All of the propaganda you see coming from the Sufis is based upon the rumours and slanders of the adversaries of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab, but you will not see them citing from the writings of the Shaykh or his offspring to provide an unbiased, objective presentation of what they were upon.

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