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Shaykh Abd Allaah Bin Muhammad Bin Abd Al-Wahhaab on the Lofty Station of the Messenger, His Life in the Grave, Visiting His Grave, and Sending Salaat Upon Him
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in Belief

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Shaykh Abd Allaah bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab said in one of his treatises as occurs in al-Durar al-Saniyyah (2/230):

And that which we believe is that the rank of our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is the loftiest ranks of the creatures, absolutely, and [we believe] that he is alive in his grave with a life [specific to the] barzakh (stage of life after death prior to resurrection), [a life] that is superior to the life of the martyrs that is textually stated in the revelation, since he is more superior to them without doubt. And [we believe] that he hears the Muslim's sending of salaam (peace) upon him. It is Sunnah to visit him, except that a journey is not be made specifically except for visiting the mosque and praying within it, and when he intends alongside that to visit (the Prophet's grave), then there is no harm. And the one who spent the precious moments of his time in being occupied in sending salaat upon him (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) [in the manner] which is related from him, then he will be successful with bliss in both the abodes (this life and the next), and it will suffice him in his anxiety and grief, as has come in the hadeeth from him.


As is clear, those who call to what the Messenger brought of the pure Monotheism are the greatest in their respect and veneration of the Messenger (alayhis salaam) and everything they speak and about which they put forward an opinion, is founded upon the revealed texts and is in between the extremes of negligence and exaggeration. So here, the son of Ibn Abd al-Wahhaab, Abd Allaah, has explained his position and that of his father towards the matter of the rank and status of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), his life in the grave, visiting his grave to give salutations, and spending one's time in sending salaat upon him.

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