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Shaykh Abd Al-Muhsin Al-Abbaad on the Freedom and Innocence of Muhammad Bin Abd Al-Wahhaab From the 20th Century Takfiri Kharijites Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Wednesday, August, 24 2011 and filed under Takfir of Muslim Masses Shaykh Abd al-Muhsin al-Abbaad, after quoting many statements from Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab's works in his rebuttals of the allegations of mass takfir made against him by his adversaries, made [in (شرح شروط الصلاة وأركانها وواجباتها), pp. 78-80], the following pertinent comment:
أفضت بذكر النقول عن شيخ الإسلام محمد بن عبد الوهاب في تقرير هذه المسألة، وهي أن تكفير المعين الذي وقع في الشرك في العبادة لجهله، إنما يكون بعد البيان له وإقامة الحجة، لا قبل ذلك، لأن من الجاهلين والحاقدين عليه وعلى دعوته، المبنية على الكتاب والسّنّة، وما كان عليه سلف الأمّة، من يشنع عليه وينفّر من دعوته، برميه بتكفير المسلمين، والتكفير بالعموم، وهو إنما يكفر من قامت عليه الحجة، وبانت له المحجة، ولأن نفراً يسيراً من طلبة العلم من أهل السّنّة فيما علمت يعيبون على من يقرّر ذلك وهو عيب لما قرّره شيخا الإسلام، ابن تيمية ومحمد بن عبد الوهاب وغيرهما من أهل العلم. ومع ذلك فإن الخطأ في العفو في الأمور المشتبهة، خير من الخطأ في العقوبة، وهم في عيبهم القول الذي قرّره الشيخان والحرص على خلافه يفسحون المجال للمتربصين بأهل السّنّة الذين يصطادون في الماء العكر، فيردّدون صدى نعيق أعداء الإسلام والمسلمين، الذين يزعمون أن تطرف من ابتلي بالتفجير والتدمير، راجع إلى دراسة مناهج التعليم المبنية على كتب الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب وغيره من أهل السّنّة، وهو بهت وزور ممن افتراه أو ردّده. فإن الذين ردّدوا هذا النعيق من أهل هذه البلاد، قد درسوا كما درس غيرهم هذه المناهج، ولم يحصل لهم ضرر منها بل حصل النفع العظيم منها لكل من شاء الله هدايته وتوفيقه، وإنما حصل التطرف من هؤلاء المتطرفين لفهومهم الخاطئة التي شذّوا بها وخرجوا عن جماعة المسلمين، وقدوتهم في ذلك الخوارج الذين شذّوا وخرجوا على الصحابة نتيجة لفهومهم الخاطئة، ولكل قوم وارث، والله المستعان
I have taken liberties in mentioning the quotes from Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab in corroborating this issue, which is that making takfir of a specific person who falls into Shirk in worship due to his ignorance, that it only takes place after clarification to him and establishing the proof, not before that. This is because from the ignoramuses and those jealous of him and his da'wah that is based upon the Book and the Sunnah and what the Salaf of the ummah were upon, were those who would revile him and divert others from his da'wah by accusing him of making takfir of the Muslims, and making generalized takfir. But he only makes takfir of the one whom the proof has been established, and the clear way has become clear to him. And there is a small band of students of knowledge from Ahl al-Sunnah in what I know who criticise those who affirm this matter, but this in reality is criticism of what the two Shaykhs of Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah and Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab and others from the people of knowledge have corroborated (in this matter). Notes We can repeat our comments from a previous article as they are relevant to the topic and also because the Shaykh said that "every people have an inheritor," its befitting we put the dots on the letters:
These and other statements of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab in his many letters, whilst refuting the slanders of his adversaries, also indicate another very important matter that is worthy of mention: That he is free and innocent of the Kharijites who appeared in the 20th century after reading the books of Sayyid Qutb, groups such as al-Takfir wal-Hijrah. These groups made mass takfir of the Muslims, following Sayyid Qutb's mass takfir of the entire Muslim ummah without exception (see here, here, here,here, and here), and they also made takfir of those who did not agree with their takfir and likewise, they required emigration to themselves.